Pet Health = Mental Health
Spend $$$ on your pet’s health…or on your emotional comfort?
The debate goes on; when to expend serious family time and treasure to extend your pet’s life or to end its misery. Your deep emotional feelings make it so difficult to make a clear decision.
Melissa Dahl describes this dilemma, “I spent thousands to keep my sick pet alive, and I don’t think I’d do it again”. She continued, “Even as I said it, I knew it was ridiculous and selfish, ‘Just promise you’ll make it till my 30th birthday,’ I said quietly to Kitty, my tiny ten-year-old cat. Earlier that day, I’d found out she had terminal heart condition”. (Anything for Kitty, in Reader’s Digest, 11, 2015)
“As animals became increasingly viewed as members of the family, the reluctance to euthanize began to enter veterinary medicine”. (Bernard Rollin, professor of philosophy and animal sciences at Colorado State University in the journal, Veterinary Clinics of North America; Small Practice, 2011)
Regardless of your decision, there is no way out. Anxiety and ensuing grief and depression rear their disturbing heads.
This is where online Counseling on Demand comes in. You need not go through this alone. With our support, you can get through these times.
We can help. You needn’t leave your favorite/private place. Nor must you wait for an appointment. We are always there for you. You can begin in 24 hours or less.
You may contact us now. Your first consultation is free.
We await your call, email or text directly. If you want a face-to-face, we can Skype you on your computer, cell phone or tablet. Check out our chat line. We are just a click away.