Salt Lake City, Desert Paradise- Big City Mental Issues
Year after year, people have been enticed to the delights of metropolitan areas. While closer living, often entails socially more closely shared behaviors and beliefs, mental issues are more often judged than treated.
“Some researchers have calculated that children born in cities face twice, if not three times, the risk of developing a serious emotional disorder as compared with their rural and suburban peers”. (Urban Living Raises the Risk of Emotional Disorders by Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg in Health » Scientific American Mind Volume 24, Issue 1)
The good news:
“A quick trip between the University of Utah campus and Pioneer Park on a recent Saturday offered a glimpse at the kind of trendy and thriving urban hub that Salt Lake City leaders have long envisioned”. (Deseret News editorial, Published: Thursday, Sept. 18, 2014)
What of me personally?
If I suffered from migraines, others might tend to judge me sympathetically, but what if I were bipolar, anxious, depressed; would that be a sign of mental or moral weakness? Neurologically, many experts would label them as natural as a headache. Yet, my reaching out for help might be best kept out of the spotlight. That could be why “approximately 60 percent of adults and almost one-half of youth with a mental illness receive no mental health services”. (National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI)
This is where online Counseling on Demand comes in. All is kept strictly confidential. You need not go through this alone. With our support, you can get through these times.
We can help. You needn’t leave your favorite/private place, away from prying eyes. Nor must you wait for an appointment. We are always there for you. You can begin in 24 hours or less.
You may contact us now. Your first consultation is free.
We await your call, email or text directly. If you want a face-to-face, we can Skype you on your computer, cell phone or tablet. Check out our chat line.
We are just a click away.