Coronavirus vs Dating
Finding love can be challenging enough without a pandemic catching up to us. Are people making dating a priority? The answer is yes and they’re doing so in the most creative ways possible. Dating online can reduce the feelings of loneliness and depression that many feel during lockdown. Finding innovative ways to date can further a relationship, or better, strengthen it.
More so, people are using video chats to meet “face to face” or texting through message boards. Talking to your date face to face reveals their true identity. You’re able to have a genuine conversation without worrying about whether their profile is fake or not. With most bars and restaurants closed, people are still finding ways to meet their dates in person but with distance, of course.
It’s unfortunate that coronavirus has changed the way we “date.” When physically seeing our dates, we would think about where we would go, how we’re splitting the bill, if we should invite them over to our apartment and so on. Now, we don’t have that because we’re doing it virtually. However, there are still some ground rules when it comes to dating online.
How to Date Remotely
Blogger Tom Murray shared a personal story on developing a relationship with his partner and how they managed their virtual dates. In retrospect, he and his partner have only met twice. He has taken upon himself to share some useful tips on dating remotely.
Order a bottle of wine for your date. Not only will you surprise your date but you get a surprise in return. For Tom, his date’s mom surprised him with a batch of brownies. Score!
Have a Netflix Party. Yes, this is actually a thing. It’s an extension browser to Netflix.It allows multiple users to watch shows together at the same pace. So, if someone resumes a movie, then it will resume it for everyone else. There is also a chat section where you can add comments and share your thoughts about the movie.
Dress appropriately. Just because you are dating remotely does not mean you don’t have to dress the part. You don’t have to do too much but dressing casually is going to make your date think that you aren’t taking them seriously. So, dress the part!
Write them a love letter. This is probably the most romantic act of all. It’s classic, original and nostalgic. You never know much this could mean to your date that you took the time to write out your true feelings for them. You don’t have to turn into Shakespeare but writing about the little things about them is a way to get started. Note what you most like about your “dates,” what things you wish to experience with them once the pandemic is over, and anything sweet you wish to express that you haven’t expressed virtually.
Online Dating Fatigue
There is such a thing as online dating fatigue. It simply means that you are burned out or emotionally exhausted from conversing with your dates. If that’s the case, it’s okay. It’s normal to feel that way. Just take a break from dating apps until you feel recharged. Otherwise you might express frustration, boredom and disinterest to the other person.
Taking a break will do you good. By taking a break, you are avoiding being rejected or not having any matches. It can be overwhelming and you may feel that you are wasting your time. Wherever you leave off, learn to appreciate the experiences. Whether it was good or bad, appreciating how it worked out can be an opportunity to evaluate what you want or don’t want in a dating partner.
In result, dating can be hard especially when faced with this virus. Many people don’t know what to do or feel impossible to have a relationship. I hope these points clear up any doubt on how to maintain your dating life online. If you are ready, try dating remotely. Take a break if you feel burned out. You won’t miss out on anybody. With time, that special person will find you.